Real Life Murder Mystery!
This true story actually happened in my kitchen last night. Around five o’clock, I scooped dog kibble into their dishes, put cat crispies on the washing machine for Patience so she could eat in peace, and let the dogs in. I put the dog dishes down in the breakfast area. Nothing was amiss.
The dogs finished so I put them outside again. Still nothing remarkable. I went to the other end of the kitchen, got the human food onto plates and set those in the microwave. Punched the buttons and turned, idly waiting for them to heat.
And there it was. A dead body on the floor in the breakfast area exactly where I had walked only moments before. It was a mouse. Even from ten feet away, I could see it was dead. Patience ambled over to have a sniff. After I finished waving my hands uselessly and yelling “Where did that come from?!?” I checked it out. Dead. Sort of flat. And stiff, not so much in rigor as slightly desiccated. No smell. After I calmed down, I scooped it into an empty yogurt container and ferried it to the outside trash. Took a quick glance and could see a few ants rushing frantically around on the body as though they’d lost their trail.
Where did the body come from? It had clearly been moved from where it died, but how? And when? And by whom? Sometimes leaves and garden detritus ride into the kitchen caught on Shiner’s abundant tail feathers, but I think he would notice a whole mouse stuck there.
How did it die? There were no obvious signs of trauma, other than being squashed mostly flat, as though it had been crushed under something big. But what? I don’t clean my kitchen floors with a Zamboni. And although I may be approaching the weight of one, I didn’t step on it.
When did it die? Time of death was impossible to determine. I watch enough NCIS to know the presence of those insects was a clue, but otherwise, I’m at a loss.
This investigating murders thing is harder than it looks. And, as it turns out, not that fun when the body ends up on my own floor. Any of you have any idea how it came to be there?
Don’t be looking for a photograph attached to this post. I didn’t stop to snap one, and I’m not fishing that thing out of the trash just to satisfy your curiosity. Dead. Flat. Use your imagination.
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Thanks as always for you support!
Hilarious, Cherie! Here are several theories for that flat mouse corpse. It scurried in through a wee mousehole, saw Patience or the dogs or perhaps even yourself, and perished on the spot from fear. Or, it was a bat that had clung to the ceiling, died, and in the process of rigor mortis, its wings molted off and it plummeted to the floor. (Are you looking up yet?) Or, perhaps it had been found in the yard, already having slipped its mortal coils, and that sneaky Shiner brought it in as plaything and slid it across the floor to you just as your back was turned.
I’m finding myself sinking into denial, as in, there must be a supernatural explanation. Or I am somehow mistaken or imagined the whole thing. Probably should have snapped a photo.
Hilarious!!!!!! Absolutely hilarious! I even decided on “hilarious” before I read the first entry!
Yes, I’m sure I’ll appreciate the humor in the situation someday …
I believe that the mouse was stuck to the underside of a dog dish. One of the animals brought it into the house & it was probably in a semi-conscious state when the dog dish got plopped on top of it. When that happened, the mouse was still moist & stuck to the bottom of the dog dish. Eventually, the ants found it there & their whole family came to visit until the mouse’s body lost some of its volume. When it dried out, it came unstuck and landed in the middle of the kitchen floor!
Hahahaha! I think you should take up writing comedy, Alice! … really? ick!!